Counselling in health services

We provide comprehensive counselling services to increase quality and effectiveness of medical processes for both private and state medical facilities as well as for health insurance companies.

Health services in the Czech Republic are constantly under pressure of various specific interest and economic groups endeavouring to enforce their interests. Annual turnover in health services moves around CZK 250 milliard. The interest of all citizens of the Czech Republic is economic distribution of the money they pay relating to public health insurance. Insurance companies are interested in paying medical facilities as little money as possible and medical facilities ask insurance companies to pay them as much money as possible. It is important to find a balance between economy and waste, between standard and super standard, between what is necessary and what is useless.

Our associates, who have many-year experience both in the area of health insurance companies and in the area of medical facilities and suppliers of medical equipment and medicaments, will gladly provide their valuable know-how to you whether you are a private or state medical facility or whether you are just interested in analyzing the market or a company intending to enter the market with a new product.

Our team of experienced specialists that has many-year experience


We provide comprehensive counselling services to increase quality and effectiveness of medical processes for both private and state medical facilities as well as for health insurance companies:

  • medical facility cost management
  • estimating the value of a medical facility when the company is sold or leased
  • pharmacoeconomics
  • ICT services and services relating to medical facility operation support
  • creation of conceptual solutions
  • integrated and functionally linked operational processes for individual specializations of out-patient and in-patient facilities

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Veleslavínova 93/10

110 00 Praha 1 – Staré Město